13 Time-series analysis in R-INLA

本章では、INLAで扱える時系列相関を考慮したモデルについて解説する。時系列分析についてより詳しい解説が必要な場合は、他の書籍を参照されたし(e.g., 馬場 2018, 2019; Ravishanker et al. 2022)

13.1 Simulation study


\[ \begin{aligned} &Y_t = \rm{Intercept} + \rm{Covariates_i} + \rm{Trend_t} + \epsilon_t \\ &\epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\epsilon}) \end{aligned} \]

ここでトレンド項(\(\rm{Trend_t}\))が\(Times \times \beta\)のように表せるとすれば、これは通常の線形回帰モデルである。しかしこの場合、時間的な疑似相関が生じてしまう。この問題を解決するため、いわゆるランダムウォークが用いられる。もっとも単純なランダムウォークモデルは以下のように書ける。10

\[ \begin{aligned} &Y_t = \rm{Intercept} + \rm{Covariates_i} + \mu_t + \epsilon_t \\ &\mu_t = \mu_{t-1} + v_t\\ &\epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_{\epsilon}) \; and \; v_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_v) \end{aligned} \]

このモデルでは、互いに独立な残差\(\epsilon_t\)\(v_t\)がある。以下、これらについて理解するために\(\sigma_{\epsilon}\)\(\sigma_{v}\)に様々な値を当てはめたときにシミュレートされる\(Y_t\)を図示したのが図13.1である。1行目の3つは\(\sigma_{\epsilon} = 1,\sigma_v = 1\)\(、2行目の3つは\)\(\sigma_{\epsilon} = 1,\sigma_v = 0.1\)\(、3行目の3つは\)\(\sigma_{\epsilon} = 5, \sigma_v = 1\)\(、4行目の3つは\)\(\sigma_{\epsilon} = 1, \sigma_v = 5\)\(、5行目の3つは\)\(\sigma_{\epsilon} = 3, \sigma_v = 3\)である。なお、線は\(\mu_t\)を、点は\(Y_t\)を表す。

sigma_e <- rep(c(1,1,5,1,3), each = 3)
sigma_v <- rep(c(1, 0.1, 1,5,3), each = 3)

tmax <- 100
Intercept <-  3.2
y <- matrix(ncol = 15, nrow = tmax)
mu <- matrix(ncol = 15, nrow = tmax)
mu[1, 1:15] <- rnorm(n = 15, mean = 0, sd = 1)
y[1, 1:15] <- Intercept + mu[1,1:15] + rnorm(n = 15, mean = 0, sd = sigma_e)

for(j in seq_along(sigma_e)){
  for(i in 2:100){
     mu[i,j] <- mu[i-1,j] + rnorm(n = 1, 0, sigma_v[j])
     y[i, j] <- Intercept + mu[i,j] + rnorm(n = 1, 0, sigma_e[j]) 

y %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  mutate(time = 1:n()) %>% 
  pivot_longer(1:15) %>% 
  mutate(name = as.numeric(str_replace_all(name, "X",""))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = value))+
  geom_point(size = 0.5)+
  geom_line(data = mu %>% 
              data.frame() %>% 
              mutate(time = 1:n()) %>% 
              pivot_longer(1:15) %>% 
              mutate(name = as.numeric(str_replace_all(name, "X",""))),
            aes(y = value + Intercept),
            linewidth = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_wrap(~name, scales = "free",
                 repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 ncol = 3)+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.7)+
  labs(y = "Simulated data")
Examples of simulated data sets with different random walk trends. Each of the three panels on the same row represents a different simulation from the same model. The number above a panel is the simulation number. In simulations 1–3 (top row) we used σ ε = 1 and σ v = 1; in simulations 4–6 (second row) we used σ ε = 1 and σ v = 0.1; in simulations 7–9 we used σ ε = 5 and σ v = 1; in simulations 10–12 we used σ ε = 1 and σ v = 5; and in simulations 13–15 we used σ ε = 3 and σ v = 3.

図13.1: Examples of simulated data sets with different random walk trends. Each of the three panels on the same row represents a different simulation from the same model. The number above a panel is the simulation number. In simulations 1–3 (top row) we used σ ε = 1 and σ v = 1; in simulations 4–6 (second row) we used σ ε = 1 and σ v = 0.1; in simulations 7–9 we used σ ε = 5 and σ v = 1; in simulations 10–12 we used σ ε = 1 and σ v = 5; and in simulations 13–15 we used σ ε = 3 and σ v = 3.

この図からは、\(\sigma_v\)が小さいとトレンド項(\(\mu_t\))の変動も小さく、なめらかであることが分かる(e.g., 2行目)。反対に、\(\sigma_v\)が大きいと\(\mu_t\)の変動が大きくなる。一方で、\(\sigma_{\epsilon}\)は大きいほど\(Y_t\)がトレンド項\(\mu_t\)の周りで大きくばらつく。ランダムウォークについてさらに詳しい解説は Durbin and Koopman (2012)馬場 (2018)馬場 (2019) などを参照。

13.5 Multivariate time series for Hawaiian birds

13.5.1 Importing and preparing the data

本節では、 Zuur et al. (2007)Reed et al. (2011) で分析されている、ハワイに生息する3種の固有種を1年に2回測定したデータを用いる。

データは以下の通り。Birdsは確認された羽数を、Yearは観測年を、Speciesは種のID(1: stilts, 2: coots, 3: moorhen)を、Islandはデータを取得した島(1: オアフ, 2: マウイ, 3: カウアイとニイハウ)を示す。SpeciesIslandは実際の名前を記した変数を作成する。

hb <- read_delim("data/HawaiiBirdsV2.txt")

speciesname <- c("Stilts", "Coots", "Moorhens")
islandname <- c("Oahu", "Maui", "Kauai and Niihau")

hb2 <- hb %>% 
  mutate(fSpecies = speciesname[hb$Species],
         fIsland = islandname[hb$Island]) %>% 
  mutate(species_island = str_c(fSpecies, ".",fIsland)) %>% 
  mutate(fSpecies = fct_relevel(fSpecies, "Stilts", "Moorhens"),
         fIsland = fct_relevel(fIsland, "Maui", "Oahu")) 

          options = list(scrollX = 30),
          filter = "top")

13.5.2 Data exploration


hb2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = Birds))+
  facet_rep_grid(fSpecies ~ fIsland,
                 repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 scales = "free")+
  labs(y = "Bird abundance")
Time-series  plot  of  the  bird  abundance  at three islands  and three species.

図13.5: Time-series plot of the bird abundance at three islands and three species.

13.5.3 Model formulation


  1. 全ての島のすべての種が同じトレンドを持つ
  2. 島ごとに異なるトレンドを持つが、種によるトレンドの違いはない
  3. 種ごとに異なるトレンドを持つが、島によるトレンドの違いはない
  4. 各島の各種ごとに異なるトレンドを持つ


\[ \begin{aligned} &Birds_{tij} \sim NB(\mu_{tij}, \theta)\\ &E(Birds_{tij}) = \mu_{tij} \\ &var(Birds_{tij}) = \mu_{tij} + \mu_{tij}^2/\theta \end{aligned} \]


\[ \begin{aligned} log(\mu_{tij})= \begin{cases} a_{tij} + Trend_t \;\; &(1)\\ a_{tij} + Trend_{tj} \;\; &(2)\\ a_{tij} + Trend_{ti} \;\; &(3)\\ a_{tij} + Trend_{tij} \;\; &(4) \end{cases} \end{aligned} \]

13.5.4 Executing the models One trend for all series


hb3 <- hb2 %>% 


hyper.prec <- list(theta = list(prior = "pc.prec",
                                param = c(1, 0.01)))

f14_9a <- Birds ~ species_island + f(Year, model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec)

m14_9a <- inla(f14_9a,
               control.compute = list(dic = TRUE),
               family = "nbinomial",
               data = hb3)


mu <- m14_9a$summary.fitted.values$mean
theta <- m14_9a$summary.hyperpar[1,1]
E1 <- (hb3$Birds - mu)/sqrt(mu + mu^2/theta)


m14_9a$summary.fitted.values %>% 
  bind_cols(hb3) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = mean))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = `0.025quant`, ymin = `0.975quant`),
              alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_point(aes(y = Birds))+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_grid(fSpecies~fIsland, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 scales = "free")+
  labs(y = "Bird abundance")
Fitted values of the model m14_9a

図13.6: Fitted values of the model m14_9a


mu_a <- m14_9a$summary.fitted.values$mean
theta_a <- m14_9a$summary.hyperpar[1,1]
E1_a <- (hb3$Birds - mu_a)/sqrt(mu_a + mu^2/theta_a)
p_a <- nrow(m14_9a$summary.fixed)
N <- nrow(hb3)

phi_a <- sum(E1^2)/(N - p_a)

## [1] 0.8425054


hb3 %>% 
  mutate(resid = E1_a) %>% 
  group_by(species_island) %>% 
  arrange(Year, .by_group = TRUE) -> hb3b

species_island <- unique(hb3b$species_island)
all.out_a <- NULL

for(i in seq_along(species_island)){
  data <- hb3b %>% filter(species_island == species_island[i])
  out.acf <- acf(data$resid,
                 lag.max = 15,
                 plot = FALSE)
  out.df <- data.frame(Timelag = out.acf$lag,
                       Acf = out.acf$acf,
                       SE = qnorm(0.975)/sqrt(out.acf$n.used),
                       ID = species_island[i])
  all.out_a <- bind_rows(all.out_a, out.df)


all.out_a %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Timelag, y = 0))+
  geom_segment(aes(xend = Timelag, yend = Acf))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = SE, ymin = -SE),
              alpha = 0.3)+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_wrap(~ID, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE)+
  labs(y = "Auto-correlation") One trend for each island



inla.setOption(scale.model.default = TRUE)


hb3 %>% 
  mutate(Oahu = as.numeric(fIsland == "Oahu"),
         Maui = as.numeric(fIsland == "Maui"),
         KN = as.numeric(fIsland == "Kauai and Niihau")) %>% 
  mutate(Year2 = Year,
         Year3 = Year)-> hb4


f14_9b <- Birds ~ species_island + f(Year, Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year2, Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year3, KN,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec)

m14_9b<- inla(f14_9b,
               control.compute = list(dic = TRUE),
               family = "nbinomial",
               data = hb4)




m14_9b$summary.fitted.values %>% 
  bind_cols(hb4) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = mean))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = `0.025quant`, ymin = `0.975quant`),
              alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_point(aes(y = Birds))+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_grid(fSpecies~fIsland, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 scales = "free")+
  labs(y = "Bird abundance")
Fitted values of the model m14_9b

図13.7: Fitted values of the model m14_9b


c(m14_9a$dic$dic, m14_9b$dic$dic)
## [1] 3822.675 3783.597


mu_b <- m14_9b$summary.fitted.values$mean
theta_b <- m14_9b$summary.hyperpar[1,1]
E1_b <- (hb3$Birds - mu_b)/sqrt(mu_b + mu_b^2/theta_b)
p_b <- nrow(m14_9b$summary.fixed)
N <- nrow(hb4)

phi_b <- sum(E1_b^2)/(N - p_b)

## [1] 0.7737521


hb4 %>% 
  mutate(resid = E1_b) %>% 
  group_by(species_island) %>% 
  arrange(Year, .by_group = TRUE) -> hb4b

species_island <- unique(hb4b$species_island)
all.out_b <- NULL

for(i in seq_along(species_island)){
  data <- hb4b %>% filter(species_island == species_island[i])
  out.acf <- acf(data$resid,
                 lag.max = 15,
                 plot = FALSE)
  out.df <- data.frame(Timelag = out.acf$lag,
                       Acf = out.acf$acf,
                       SE = qnorm(0.975)/sqrt(out.acf$n.used),
                       ID = species_island[i])
  all.out_b <- bind_rows(all.out_b, out.df)


all.out_b %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Timelag, y = 0))+
  geom_segment(aes(xend = Timelag, yend = Acf))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = SE, ymin = -SE),
              alpha = 0.3)+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_wrap(~ID, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE)+
  labs(y = "Auto-correlation") One trend for each species



hb3 %>% 
  mutate(Stilts = as.numeric(fSpecies == "Stilts"),
         Coots = as.numeric(fSpecies == "Coots"),
         Moorhens = as.numeric(fSpecies == "Moorhens")) %>% 
  mutate(Year2 = Year,
         Year3 = Year)-> hb5


f14_9c <- Birds ~ species_island + f(Year, Stilts,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year2, Coots,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year3, Moorhens,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec)

m14_9c <- inla(f14_9c,
               control.compute = list(dic = TRUE),
               family = "nbinomial",
               data = hb5)


m14_9c$summary.fitted.values %>% 
  bind_cols(hb4) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = mean))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = `0.025quant`, ymin = `0.975quant`),
              alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_point(aes(y = Birds))+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_grid(fSpecies~fIsland, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 scales = "free")+
  labs(y = "Bird abundance")
Fitted values of the model m14_9c

図13.8: Fitted values of the model m14_9c


mu_c <- m14_9c$summary.fitted.values$mean
theta_c <- m14_9c$summary.hyperpar[1,1]
E1_c <- (hb3$Birds - mu_c)/sqrt(mu_c + mu_c^2/theta_c)
p_c <- nrow(m14_9c$summary.fixed)
N <- nrow(hb5)

phi_c <- sum(E1_c^2)/(N - p_c)

## [1] 0.7466784


hb5 %>% 
  mutate(resid = E1_c) %>% 
  group_by(species_island) %>% 
  arrange(Year, .by_group = TRUE) -> hb5b

species_island <- unique(hb5b$species_island)
all.out_c <- NULL

for(i in seq_along(species_island)){
  data <- hb5b %>% filter(species_island == species_island[i])
  out.acf <- acf(data$resid,
                 lag.max = 15,
                 plot = FALSE)
  out.df <- data.frame(Timelag = out.acf$lag,
                       Acf = out.acf$acf,
                       SE = qnorm(0.975)/sqrt(out.acf$n.used),
                       ID = species_island[i])
  all.out_c <- bind_rows(all.out_b, out.df)


all.out_c %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Timelag, y = 0))+
  geom_segment(aes(xend = Timelag, yend = Acf))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = SE, ymin = -SE),
              alpha = 0.3)+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_wrap(~ID, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE)+
  labs(y = "Auto-correlation") One trend for each species and island combination



hb3 %>% 
  mutate(Stilts_Oahu = as.numeric(species_island == "Stilts.Oahu"),
         Stilts_Maui = as.numeric(species_island == "Stilts.Maui"),
         Stilts_KN = as.numeric(species_island == "Stilts.Kauai and Niihau"),
         Coots_Oahu = as.numeric(species_island == "Coots.Oahu"),
         Coots_Maui = as.numeric(species_island == "Coots.Maui"),
         Coots_KN = as.numeric(species_island == "Coots.Kauai and Niihau"),
         Moorhens_Oahu = as.numeric(species_island == "Moorhens.Oahu"),
         Moorhens_Maui = as.numeric(species_island == "Moorhens.Maui")) %>% 
  mutate(Year2 = Year,
         Year3 = Year,
         Year4 = Year,
         Year5 = Year,
         Year6 = Year,
         Year7 = Year,
         Year8 = Year) -> hb6


f14_9d <- Birds ~ species_island + f(Year, Stilts_Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year2, Stilts_Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year3, Stilts_KN,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year4, Coots_Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year5, Coots_Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year6, Coots_KN,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year7, Moorhens_Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year8, Moorhens_Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) 

m14_9d <- inla(f14_9d,
               control.compute = list(dic = TRUE),
               family = "nbinomial",
               data = hb6)


m14_9d$summary.fitted.values %>% 
  bind_cols(hb4) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = mean))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = `0.025quant`, ymin = `0.975quant`),
              alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_point(aes(y = Birds))+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_grid(fSpecies~fIsland, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 scales = "free")+
  labs(y = "Bird abundance")
Fitted values of the model m14_9d

図13.9: Fitted values of the model m14_9d


mu_d <- m14_9d$summary.fitted.values$mean
theta_d <- m14_9d$summary.hyperpar[1,1]
E1_d <- (hb6$Birds - mu_d)/sqrt(mu_d + mu_d^2/theta_d)
p_d <- nrow(m14_9d$summary.fixed)
N <- nrow(hb6)

phi_d <- sum(E1_d^2)/(N - p_d)

## [1] 0.6304094


hb6 %>% 
  mutate(resid = E1_d) %>% 
  group_by(species_island) %>% 
  arrange(Year, .by_group = TRUE) -> hb6b

species_island <- unique(hb6b$species_island)
all.out_d <- NULL

for(i in seq_along(species_island)){
  data <- hb6b %>% filter(species_island == species_island[i])
  out.acf <- acf(data$resid,
                 lag.max = 15,
                 plot = FALSE)
  out.df <- data.frame(Timelag = out.acf$lag,
                       Acf = out.acf$acf,
                       SE = qnorm(0.975)/sqrt(out.acf$n.used),
                       ID = species_island[i])
  all.out_d <- bind_rows(all.out_d, out.df)


all.out_d %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Timelag, y = 0))+
  geom_segment(aes(xend = Timelag, yend = Acf))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = SE, ymin = -SE),
              alpha = 0.3)+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_wrap(~ID, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE)+
  labs(y = "Auto-correlation")

13.5.5 Mixing Poisson and negative binomial distributions



Y <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(hb6), ncol = 8)

hb6 %>% 
  mutate(species_island = fct_relevel(species_island, unique(hb6$species_island))) -> hb6
hb6 %>% 
  select(species_island, Birds, Year) %>% 
  group_by(species_island) %>% 
  arrange(Year, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = species_island,
              values_from = Birds) %>% 
  select(-Year) -> hb7

hb6 %>% 
  group_by(species_island) %>% 
  summarise(N = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(cum = cumsum(N))-> n_cat

for(i in seq_along(species_island)){
  if(i == 1){
    Y[1:n_cat[[3]][i], i] <- na.omit(hb7[[i]])
    Y[(n_cat[[3]][i-1]+1):n_cat[[3]][i], i] <- na.omit(hb7[[i]])

Y %>% 


data_list <- list(Birds = Y,
                  Stilts_Oahu = hb6$Stilts_Oahu,
                  Stilts_Maui = hb6$Stilts_Maui,
                  Stilts_KN = hb6$Stilts_KN,
                  Coots_Oahu = hb6$Coots_Oahu,
                  Coots_Maui = hb6$Coots_Maui,
                  Coots_KN = hb6$Coots_KN,
                  Moorhens_Oahu = hb6$Moorhens_Oahu,
                  Moorhens_Maui = hb6$Moorhens_Maui,
                  species_island = hb6$species_island,
                  Year = hb6$Year,
                  Year2 = hb6$Year,
                  Year3 = hb6$Year,
                  Year4 = hb6$Year,
                  Year5 = hb6$Year,
                  Year6 = hb6$Year,
                  Year7 = hb6$Year,
                  Year8 = hb6$Year)


f14_9e <- Birds ~ species_island + f(Year, Stilts_Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year2, Stilts_Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year3, Stilts_KN,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year4, Coots_Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year5, Coots_Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year6, Coots_KN,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year7, Moorhens_Oahu,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) +
                                   f(Year8, Moorhens_Maui,
                                     model = "rw1",
                                     scale.model = TRUE,
                                     hyper = hyper.prec) 

m14_9e <- inla(f14_9e,
               control.compute = list(dic = TRUE),
               family = c("nbinomial", "nbinomial", "nbinomial", "poisson", "poisson", "nbinomial", "nbinomial","nbinomial"),
               data = data_list)


mu_e <- m14_9e$summary.fitted.values$mean
theta_e <- m14_9e$summary.hyperpar[1,1]
E1_e <- (hb6$Birds - mu_e)/sqrt(mu_e + mu_e^2/theta_e)
p_e <- nrow(m14_9e$summary.fixed)
N <- nrow(hb6)

phi_e <- sum(E1_e^2)/(N - p_e)

## [1] 1.302552


m14_9e$summary.fitted.values %>% 
  bind_cols(hb4) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = mean))+
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = `0.025quant`, ymin = `0.975quant`),
              alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_point(aes(y = Birds))+
  theme(aspect.ratio = 0.8)+
  facet_rep_grid(fSpecies~fIsland, repeat.tick.labels = TRUE,
                 scales = "free")+
  labs(y = "Bird abundance")
Fitted values of the model m14_9d

図13.10: Fitted values of the model m14_9d


c(m14_9d$dic$dic, m14_9e$dic$dic)
## [1] 3613.067 3298.294


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